Sunday, August 15, 2010

Summer will soon be coming to a close ~ Autumn is on it's way...

'Queen Anne's Lace Flowerhead' ~ photo by RLHall, ArtfulExpress

Queen Anne's Lace (Wild Carrot) is a summer flower and is the forebearer of the carrots we eat today. The taproot of Queen Anne's Lace can be dug up and eaten like a paler carrot, though the leaves are toxic.

'Black Eyed Susan Blooms' ~ photo by RLHall, ArtfulExpress

Black Eyed Susans are one of the most common wildflowers along summer roadsides and in sunny fields, if cut for a bouquet they will last for 8-10 days in a vase.

'Common Daisy' ~ photo by RLHall, ArtfulExpress

The Daisy gets it's name from the Anglo Saxon words which mean "day's eye" because the flowers open as the day begins. It's leaves are edible and can be used in salads.

'Field Flowers' ~ photo by RLHall, ArtfulExpress

The summer wildflowers shown here are now being joined by the flowers which are indicative of the fall season. These photographs were taken last week of the field on our land, and since then I've noticed that the thistle plants are going to seed and the Golden Rod, Ragweed and Chicory are all flowering along the roadsides. All signs that Summer will soon be coming to a close and Autumn is on it's way...but that's okay, because fall seems to be my favorite season.


  1. Beautiful captures and its so nice to go a wandering and see what each new day brings. :)

  2. Hi Ana, Thanks again for the nice remarks, I like your outlook ;-)
